23 Nov 2010

A cold, a fever. Call it what you want, all I'm sayin is; I'm sick!

Hi there! As you probably got from the title, I'm sick. I almost fainted on my way to school, so I turned around and started walking home. When I got there it occurred to me that when you're having some sort of pain, either it is because of a wound you've just gotten or if you're just ill, like me, you start to think of how much it hurts and you start hoping you'll get better.

But when you then, sooner or later, get well, the appreciation of your well being is gone. You stop thinking of the bad feelings you've had and you start thinking to yourself  "Oh I wish I was sick, so that I wouldn't have to get to school!" or stuff like that. This happens without you even knowing it, and it is mostly patients who have recovered from cancer, or other diseases that make you think of how close to death you are, that starts to really, appreciate their life.

But, you see the thing is, we have to live our lives too the fullest when we're not sick or wounded. We have to make friends, and not be afraid of the risk that's always there. The risk that we might get hurt or injured or even get heartbroken for that matter. Why else should we live? 

I don't have much more to say, because all I've been doing today is watching movies and sleeping.

Have you ever thought of this?

22 Nov 2010

Just great!

Hello again! Monday is one of the most awful days in the week. Mostly because school starts, and as you've might have guessed, I'm not the most school-loving-kid in the world. Though there's one good thing about school on Mondays, which is that we start an 50 min. later than the rest of the pupils. Yeeeyyy!!!

On our school we have reached the time for meetings between the parents, the student and the teacher. This is the meeting that:

-All students are afraid of, because now their parents will know everything
-All the parents have to get of work for, so...well, they get pissed
-All the teachers worst nightmare, 'cause they have to sit 15 minutes with about 25 students and their parents. That's about 375 minutes of torture!

I also got the honer of sitting there, just waiting for mom to come, in 1 hour and 15 min. And now you're thinking "why the hell didn't she go home?!" Well, that would be because the original plan was to sit there in 45 min. doing homework, but noooo. The one time our gym teacher let us go half an hour earlier, has to be the one day of the year I'm actually staying there.

Since gym didn't end until 15.00 and we were "released" for 30 min. before, the school was almost dead. My dear friend, Julie, stayed with me 30 min. but then her mom picked her up :( so I got out to get some fresh air, even though it's freezing, I met Jonas. We started talking. (correction: I started talking, he mostly listened) and then my mom came!

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, and now all that's left is studying for the science test we're having. Yohoooo! this just keeps on getting better and better!

Is it only me who wants to skip days like these?

Sanne <3

21 Nov 2010

And now I start!

Hi all you readers out there! I just got of work and now I'm stuck with some science thing that I don't understand a shit about. We're having this test where we have to talk about molecules and stuff like that. Yeeeeaaayyhh!!! hehe, 'cause that's sooo fun. Still, I don't understand why we have to have the two hardest chapters we have this year, put together into one test :S I don't think the teacher likes us that much ether. 

Well, I guess you can see that I've just started writing, but then again, you have to start somewhere, right? As you can see am I writing in English, this is partly because I want to get better at it, and that I think that English has better words to explain, well anything for that matter ;P  It is also a much nicer language to listen to. 
I wanted to get this photo to be my background but it was apparently to big to upload as one. I took it at the mountain that's called Vågslid last winter.It was so beautiful to look at that I just had to capture it somehow. 

What do you think?

Sanne <3